Wednesday 16 January 2013

Champion Rotation

Hey everyone,

Sorry for not posting last days but i couldn't think of anything to post about, until now:
The Champion Rotation.

This weeks free champions are:

  Mage:    Ahri,   Brand,  Fiddlesticks 

Carry:      Kog'Maw

    Tank:      Leona

    Fighter.   Nasus,  Vi,  Jax,  Urgoth,  Malphite.

I think its really weird that their aren´t any supports and there is only 1 tank and 1 carry. The champion that is best this week is (I think) Ahri with her awesome E, W, Q combo. I have made many kills with her yesterday. This week we also get a taste of Vi, my opinion is that she is an awesome farmer with her E.

I hope you guys also like Vi and make much kills with her.


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