Wednesday 30 January 2013

Champion Post: Fiora

Hey everyone,

I will continue my Fiora post with her skins and a Build.

Royal Guard Fiora 975 RP. Royal Guard Fiora is her first skin and is inspired on the 3 musketeers. This skin changes everything: her weapon, her clothes and her looks.

Nightraven Fiora 975 RP.  This is her second skin and i really love it. She looks like an assassin with a sword. This skin each changes her weapon and clothes.

Now i will do a Solotop/top build:

Start with 3 health potions and boots.

Then Rush Mercury treads.

Then Ravenous Hydra.

Then Bloodthirster.

Then Infinity's Edge.

Then Last Whisper.

And then Guardian Angel/ Frozen Mallet.

Thanks for watching.


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