Friday 11 January 2013

Champion post: Evelynn

Hey everyone,

Today im going to discuss my first
Champion: Evelynn, The Widowmaker.

Evelynn is a stealth, melee assassin who deal high burst damage with low cooldowns and has massive movement speed.
First of her skills:
(Passive) Shadow walk: When out of combat for 6 seconds or more Evelynn goes into stealth. Making her unseen by champions unless she comes to close to them.
    (Active) Hate Spike: Evelynn fires a line of spikes dealing damage to all enemies its path. this skill has a really short cooldown: 2 seconds.
    (Passive/ Active) Dark Frenzy: (passive) when attacking an enemy Champion she gains 3 movement speed for 3 seconds. (stacks up to 4 times). (active) Evelynn removes all slow effects on her and gains 30-70 movement speed (depends on Champion level).
    (Active) Ravage: Evelynn slashes a target twice, dealing magic damage with each strike. Evelynn then gains bonus attack speed for 3 seconds.
    (Active/Ultimate) Agony's EmbraceEvelynn impales all enemy units in the targeted area, dealing magic damage equal to a percentage of their maximum health and slowing their movement speed for 2 seconds. Evelynn siphons their pain, gaining a shield that grows in strength for each enemy champion hit and lasts up to 6 seconds.

HEALTH414 (+86)ATTACK DAMAGE48 (+3.3)
HEALTH REGEN.6.95 (+0.55)ATTACK SPEED0.658 (+3.84%)
MANA180 (+42)ARMOR12.5 (+4)
MANA REGEN.7.1 (+0.6)MAGIC RES.30 (+1.25)

And that was it about Evelynn today. Tomorrow I will take a look at the skins and a Build.


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