Saturday 12 January 2013

Champion post: Evelynn part 2

Hey everyone,

Today im going to continue my Evelynn post. First we are going to look at the skins. Evelynn has 2 major skins and 1 legacy skin.

Shadow Evelynn 520 RP. This skin is just basically a recolor of her standard skin. I recommend it to everyone who wants to make their Evelynn look cool.

Tango Evelynn 975 RP. I think that this is her best skin. If you want your Evelynn to look unique, and stylish, this is the skin for you!

Masquerade Evelynn 520 RP. This is her Legacy skin and its basically the same as her original skin but it has a different skin color and a mask. If you want your Evelynn to look cool but simple I would recommend this skin.

Now we are going to take a look at a build.

I would start with Sorcerers shoes, Homeguard.

Then Hextech Gunblade, because it gives spell vamp, life steal and a lot of AP.

Then Lich Bane, for the nice AP and the spellblade passive.

Then Rabadons Deathcap, just for the nice AP.

Then Void Staff, for the AP and the magic pen%.

At last i would take Abyssal Scepter for the AP and magic pen%.

This was my Evelynn post and i hope you guys like it.


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