Tuesday 5 February 2013

Champion post Orianna 2

  Hey everyone,

Now I will continue my post about Orianna, Lady of Clockwork.

Her skins first:

Sewn Chaos Orianna 520RP : I think this skin is really creepy. She looks like a doll. But this skin looks really nice in game.

Gothic Orianna 975RP. I think this skin is really...... Gothic. With everything purple and black she looks evil though its her only skin were she laughs.

Bladecraft Orianna 975 RP. This skin looks really Japanese. But its a little weird because her upper body floats above her under body.

Now a Build:
Start with:

Boots of Speed and 3 Health potions.

And then:

Athenes Unholy Grail, Sorcerers Shoes, Rabandons Deathcap, Zhyonia's Hourglass, Void Staff and Lyandry's Torment.

That was the Orianna Post.


1 comment:

  1. Nice post mate, keep up the great work, just shared this with my friend
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