Saturday 9 February 2013

Champion Post: Karma

ououHey everyone,

Today i'm doing a Champion Post about Karma, The Enlightened One.
Karma is a Support Mage, but no one plays with her anymore. Karma is also banned from the Champion Rotation due to her Ultimate.

First of her skills.

Inner Flame. Passive: Karma gains up to 130 ability power corresponding to her percentage of missing health.

Heavenly Wave. Active: Karma deals magic damage to enemies in a 65° arc.
Mantra Bonus: In addition to damaging enemies, Heavenly Wave heals Karma and allies in the arc.

Spirit Bond. Active: Karma makes a tether from herself to target unit for up to 5 seconds, gaining a movement speed bonus for the duration. A target ally gains the same movement speed bonus for the duration; a target enemy is slowed for the duration. Allies that touch the tether gain the same movement speed bonus for 3 seconds; enemies that touch the tether take magic damage and are slowed for 3 seconds. The tether breaks if the bonded target is stealthed.

Soul Shield. Active: Target ally gains a shield that absorbs a certain amount of damage. The shield dissipates after 5 seconds if not already destroyed.
Mantra Bonus: In addition to shielding the target, Soul Shield deals magic damage to enemies upon casting.

Mantra. Active: Karma's next ability within 8 seconds gains an additional effect. Karma can store up to 2 Mantra charges, gaining one every 30 / 25 / 20 seconds, affected by cooldown reduction. Mantra may be used twice in a row to affect the next two abilities.
Mantra is available from level 1 and does not require skill points to increase its rank.

I will continue the post later, but first i have a question.

Which Champ shall i buy?



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