Thursday 21 February 2013

Sweet! I've just received my free Riot Points!

>> <<

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Quinn and Valor, The Wings of Demacia

Hey Guys,

Did you guys hear about the new champion: Quinn and Valor. Quinn is an ADC who wears a handbow similar to the one that Vayne wears. She uses her bird (Valor) to mark enemies or switch places with her in her ult.
There aren't much things known but there are some pictures and video's.

Thanks for watching.


Monday 18 February 2013


A nice Video:

Karma 2

Hey Guys,

Now I'm gonna continue the post about Karma, but first I want to say something. You guys know the days in which I don't post anything, that days I have it very busy with School, Friends and Family. But back to Karma.

I ain't gonna do her skins because they where to ugly.

But a build is always Welcome.

I would take Ionian boots of Cooldown Reduction, Rabadons, Rylahs, Shurelia's, Seraphs Embrace, and Athene's.

Thanks for looking.


Thursday 14 February 2013

Sona Rework......

Hey Guys,

I played today and I saw that Sona had a Rework.
I looked at her and now I really miss the old Sona.

I really miss Sona.......


Saturday 9 February 2013

Champion Post: Karma

ououHey everyone,

Today i'm doing a Champion Post about Karma, The Enlightened One.
Karma is a Support Mage, but no one plays with her anymore. Karma is also banned from the Champion Rotation due to her Ultimate.

First of her skills.

Inner Flame. Passive: Karma gains up to 130 ability power corresponding to her percentage of missing health.

Heavenly Wave. Active: Karma deals magic damage to enemies in a 65° arc.
Mantra Bonus: In addition to damaging enemies, Heavenly Wave heals Karma and allies in the arc.

Spirit Bond. Active: Karma makes a tether from herself to target unit for up to 5 seconds, gaining a movement speed bonus for the duration. A target ally gains the same movement speed bonus for the duration; a target enemy is slowed for the duration. Allies that touch the tether gain the same movement speed bonus for 3 seconds; enemies that touch the tether take magic damage and are slowed for 3 seconds. The tether breaks if the bonded target is stealthed.

Soul Shield. Active: Target ally gains a shield that absorbs a certain amount of damage. The shield dissipates after 5 seconds if not already destroyed.
Mantra Bonus: In addition to shielding the target, Soul Shield deals magic damage to enemies upon casting.

Mantra. Active: Karma's next ability within 8 seconds gains an additional effect. Karma can store up to 2 Mantra charges, gaining one every 30 / 25 / 20 seconds, affected by cooldown reduction. Mantra may be used twice in a row to affect the next two abilities.
Mantra is available from level 1 and does not require skill points to increase its rank.

I will continue the post later, but first i have a question.

Which Champ shall i buy?



Tuesday 5 February 2013

Steel Legion Lux and Garen.

Hey everyone,

I'm gonna show you the Steel Legion Lux and Garen skins.

First Lux:

This is Steel legion Lux, its a nice skin and her abilities have changes too.

Same with Garen, only I think Garens head is a little to small.

 Please post your opinions below and this was the post.


Champion post Orianna 2

  Hey everyone,

Now I will continue my post about Orianna, Lady of Clockwork.

Her skins first:

Sewn Chaos Orianna 520RP : I think this skin is really creepy. She looks like a doll. But this skin looks really nice in game.

Gothic Orianna 975RP. I think this skin is really...... Gothic. With everything purple and black she looks evil though its her only skin were she laughs.

Bladecraft Orianna 975 RP. This skin looks really Japanese. But its a little weird because her upper body floats above her under body.

Now a Build:
Start with:

Boots of Speed and 3 Health potions.

And then:

Athenes Unholy Grail, Sorcerers Shoes, Rabandons Deathcap, Zhyonia's Hourglass, Void Staff and Lyandry's Torment.

That was the Orianna Post.


Monday 4 February 2013

Champion Post: Orianna

Hey everyone,

Today I'm gonna do a Champion post about Orianna, a Champion that i bought this weekend. I also decided to not do any more Champion Rotation post. Why? You can see them on the league of legends website.

First of to the skills:

Clockwork Windup. Orianna’s autoattacks deal an additional magic damage every hit. Additionally, attacking the same target within 4 seconds deals an extra 20% magic damage on the second hit, and 40% extra on the third and further hits.

Command: Attack. Orianna commands her ball to fly towards target location, dealing magic damage to all enemies that the ball passes through and that are on the destination area. However, the ball deals 10% less damage for each subsequent target hit down to a minimum of 40% damage done. Her ball remains behind at that location afterwards.

Command: Dissonance. Orianna commands the Ball to emit an electric pulse around its current location, dealing magic damage to all units around it and leaving an electric field on the area for 3 seconds.
The field speeds up allies and slows enemies that walk over it. This effect diminishes to normal over 2 seconds after leaving the area.

Command: Protect.Passive: The allied champion the Ball is currently attached to is granted bonus armor and magic resistance.
Bonus Armor & Magic Resist.
Active: Orianna commands the Ball to fly to and attach onto an allied champion, dealing damage to enemies it passes through and shielding the allied champion when it arrives.

Command: Shockwave. Active: Orianna commands her ball to unleash a shockwave after 0.5 seconds, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and flinging them into the air a set distance towards, and possibly over, the Ball.

That was Orianna for now, Tomorrow I will do the rest.
