Thursday 9 May 2013

A long time.

Hey guys,

I know I've been away for a long time. I had some school issues and more thing that were a little more important than my Blog. But I have decided to continue with my blog.

I also know that I've missed a lot of thing in the League. But also that I will continue with. I will skip some things and will start at the release of Lissandra, the Ice Witch. I'm in train now for 1 and a half hours so I have  a lot of time.

Also I have noticed that some of you guys asked my League name. I will give you my name but my buddy list is kind of full. But you can always try to contact me. My summoner name is: Daedric Princes and I play in EUW.

I hope you guys understand it and I will do my best.


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